An Angel in the Kitchen is a real food and family recipe blog.
A place to be able to find our recipes again & remember how we made stuff!

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Cherry Guava Marshmallow

I grew up adoring cherry guavas- eating them off the tree in autumn and watching my grandmother make them in to exquisite jelly. The trees are really just shrubs and easily grown, bearing deep red fruit every autumn, that are simply laden with goodness.

The fruit ripens in batches so it's easy to gather up a bowlful at a time to make use of. 

By adding a little over a cupful of water to a pot of guavas and simmering the fruit until the colour has faded from them, you'll soon have a gloriously rich liquid- enough to make a little traditional jelly or even some marshmallow.

How to make guava marshmallow:

1 cup of liquid (as above) 

Add 3 tbsps of good gelatine (I like nutra organics natural gelatin that I buy at Bin Inn) and heat gently to dissolve.

That's a few minutes stirring over low heat in a pot, or 30-40 seconds in  the microwave.

Stir in 1/2 cup of honey and then pour into a bowl that you can use a beater in or use an electric beater if you have one.

Beat until the mixture is pale pink, fluffy and thick.

Pour in to a prepared container quite quickly.

I use a small square slice tin lined with baking paper.

The marshmallow sets fast so within 20 minutes or so you'll be able to turn it out and cut it.

I rub my hands with cornflour as I handle the pieces and then stack them in layers in an airtight container.

They will keep just fine out on the bench until you've eaten them all.

Sweet, but tangy such a delightful food/medicine treat.  

You can now press the cooked berries through a sieve or work them through a moulie disgarding the hard seeds.

You could make this in to guava ice cream, or sweeten and mix it in to some thick Greek yoghurt, or chia seeds and coconut milk to make guava chia pudding. Guava paste takes a bit of work but it is truly the Queen of pastes. You can find that recipe here. 

Catherine X

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Feijoa Oatmeal Cake

 When we lived in Taranaki some 35 or so years ago I often made this delicious cake.

Back then there was no internet so we just thought of it as "our" cake that we'd shared amongst friends, but as I look up oatmeal cake now I realise that it's a tried & true old fashioned fave from way back further.

Our recipe has been stored in a handwritten cookbook all these years & I have just made it again for Rob's birthday. I don't think I'd change anything.

I have always preferred baking that was more "wholesome food" than a sweet treat, so in making a comparison with online recipes I had already halved the sugar content & it is more than sweet enough.

To make use of the feijoas of the season & to add interest & moistness to the cake I began adding the fruit to the mix. I'm sure apple would be good too.

Nice & simple:
In to a large bowl add:
1 cup rolled oats
1 cup of soft brown sugar
1 cup of boiling water
1/2 cup or around 100 grams butter
 a pinch of salt, 1 tsp vanilla essence
Stir together & leave to do it's thing for 20 minutes or so
Add 2 eggs- mix
1 cup of flour & 1 rounded tsp baking powder
1 cup dried fruit & 1 cup chopped feijoas
Mix & pour in to a lined or greased cake tin.
Mine was around about a 20 cm tin
Bake in a moderate oven for 50 minutes to an hour.
Do the old skewer test to make sure it's cooked in the middle.

While the cake is cooling make the topping. Such a tasty treat that makes all the difference to this cake.
Put 100 grams butter, 2 tbsps cream & 1/2 cup brown sugar in to a pot & cook stirring until it is golden & caramelized.
Add 1 1/2 cups of coconut. Fine coconut is good or a mix of fine & shredded. 
Stir & allow to cool. While it is still workable spread over the cake.

Some passionfruit pulp is a nice tangy edition to the topping if you have it.

Summary ingredients for the cake:
1 cup rolled oats
1 cup of soft brown sugar
1 cup of boiling water
1/2 cup or around 100 grams butter
Pinch of salt, 1 tsp vanilla essence, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp ginger
2 eggs
1 cup of flour & 1 rounded tsp baking powder
1 cup dried fruit
1 cup chopped feijoas or apple

100 grams butter
1/2 cup soft brown sugar
2 tbsps cream
1 1/2 cups coconut

Catherine X

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Wild, Seedy Crackers

These wild seedy crackers are a great way to include wild weeds, seeds and fibre in to your diet.

A totally flexible recipe- so just use what you've got and make adjustments according to your own taste.

1 c organic wheat or spelt flour

1/2 c flour quick cook rolled oats

1 cup a mix of seeds &/or nuts:: black or white sesame, sunflower, walnuts etc

1/4 c psyllium husks 1/4 c chia seeds (1/4 c hemp hearts- optional).

OR 1/2 c psyllium, OR 1/2 c of chia seeds- psyllium or chia help the crackers to hold together.

1/2 c of wild seeds & spices: any mix of fennel seeds or dried flowers, black cumin, cumin, coriander, fathen, harakeke/flax seeds, nettle, wild mustard, ground dried Horopito, yellow dock seeds, wild carrot seeds (but not if you're pregnant) dried pineapple weed or calendula flowers.

1 tsp sea salt, ground black pepper, 1 dsp dried onion weed or 1/2 tsp onion powder

1/4 c olive oil, 1/2 c warm water

Mix all the dry ingredients together in a bowl, add the olive oil & water & work with a wooden spoon or your hands until it all comes together nicely. Add more water a little at a time if it's still a bit dry.

Tip out on to baking paper on a n oven tray (or just grease the tray) & roll out thinly- 3 mm or so.

Mark squares, rectangles with a knife.

Bake for around 20 minutes in a moderate oven- 160 degrees.

Cook until golden but not too brown. Store in an airtight container when cool.

 Mix of wild seeds
Mix of spices
All together, stir, add olive oil & water.
Rob thought he'd try the postage stamp effect but a simple knife cut works best.
They'll come out different every time but are sure to be delicious.
Next lot looked like this- Rob says he'll remember to roll them a little thinner through the middle another time. They still taste great.


Sunday, December 24, 2023

Maya's Favourite- Potato Salad

 Maya is our dear Czech/Vietnamese friend who we serendipitously met when we walked to Bell Rock on Labour day this year. In spending time with this delightful young woman I learnt that her favourite celebration food is potato salad. When we talked about how they make potato salad at "home" we were amazed at how most of the ingredients were just the same as we might include here.

When Maya came to stay a few weeks ago I made this potato salad for us to share together. And it's true, it made it feel like Christmas.

My recipe is really just a list of ingredients, but you can easily add or leave out anything that takes your fancy. 

The first step is choosing good potatoes- not a variety that says great for mashing for instance- a white waxy kind is best. Peeled is fairly important. Potato salad has a strange texture if you leave the skins on. Even chopping is also useful so that the pieces cook uniformly. Just cover with water in a pot and bring to the boil then simmer until just tender. Strain and leave in the pot with the lid off to cool.

When the potatoes are warm sprinkle over some sea salt & ground black pepper.

Then 1/3 cup of honey mustard vinaigrette. adding the seasonings and dressing while the potatoes are still warm helps the flavours to soak in to the potatoes best.

I then added:

Lightly cooked asparagus pieces, finely sliced red pepper, lots of fresh herbs finely snipped up with scissors- lemon thyme, parsley, mint, coriander, onion weed are all good options depending on your own preference and what's in the garden or the fridge.

Spring onions are an important flavour here, or wild onion weed- so add a few of them finely chopped up.

1/2 a dozen boiled eggs, shelled and chopped.

Some diced ham or cook some bacon if you like.

A couple of tbsps of capers is great and several diced gherkins or other pickles. I like to add 3 or 4 Pepperdews- sweet/sour wee peppers in a jar from the supermarket.

You could also add olives, panfried courgettes or artichoke hearts- I buy those in large jars from Bin Inn.

The balance of flavours is in all the various components.  

Gently mix everything together with your hands or a large spoon making sure not to mush the
potatoes too much.
Last thing is the creamy dressing which could be your favourite mayonnaise or this yogurty one that works well too:
A good creamy Greek yoghurt is great. We like the Cyclops brand.
So perhaps put 1 1/2 cups of yoghurt in to a small bowl
Add: sea salt, ground black pepper,
1 dsp wholegrain mustard, 1 dsp runny honey, some chilli of some sort if you like.
Add the juice of half a lemon and 1 tbsp of olive oil.
Stir and taste and adjust the flavours until you're happy with it and that's it. Keeps well in the fridge.
Let me know if I've left anything out.
Have fun making up your own potato salad as you go along.

Catherine X

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Sweet Violet Marshmallow

What could lift our spirits more than sweet violet marshmallows, right at the end of winter!

Every year I make violet honey syrup. I would never be without it now as it takes care of almost every sore throat or cough that ever comes our way and tastes delicious.

I've made the syrup already and I was wondering what else I could do with some violets when I thought of marshmallow made with honey.

So here's what I did today: I simply picked a packed cupful of sweet violets (Viola odorata)- the scented ones. Any colour will do. I rinsed the flowers briefly as there is an abundance of pine pollen around at the moment. 

Put the flowers in a small jug and pour over them a cupful of just boiled water- pop a plate over the top and leave them to infuse for around an hour until the colours almost gone out of them. 

Meantime line a small tin with greaseproof paper- hang some over the edge so that it's easy to remove the marshmallow.

Strain the violet liquid in to a pot, add 3 tbsp of a good gelatine and leave it to bloom for a few minutes.

Heat gently (stirring) to dissolve the gelatine.

Then add the juice of a lemon & 1/2 cup of honey and stir to dissolve.

You'll notice the amazing colour transitions of the violet water as you add various things. 

I added 1 tsp of blackcurrant powder to make sure there was enough colour- stir again.

You could use an electric beater, but I don't own one as I love my vintage hand beater.

Beat the mixture until it is pale & fluffy and starting to get really hard to keep going.

Quickly pour in to the container and it will set with in minutes.

Cut with a large knife or scissors when set and roll in fine coconut with a little more blackcurrant (or other) powder rubbed through it and you're done.

The marshmallow is fine kept in a sealed container sitting on the bench.

Next time I think I might try a mix like elderberry. blackberry and violet- delicious and a fabulously easy to take immune support combo. 

Friday, June 23, 2023

Apple Sauce, Appelmoes

I love learning new, richer ways of doing familiar things- especially when that knowledge comes through friendships. These funny little organic cooking apples turned up at Cornucopia recently aned with a name like "Tydeman's Late Orange" (raised in East Maling in 1930) it would have been remiss of me not to try them. But even better my dear Dutch friend Margaret gave me a little pot of Appelmoes a month or so ago- made by cooking whole apples, sweetening just a little, working through a mouli (yay I found a little one last week in the hospice shop) and then adding a touch of vanilla. I'm never going back to the old ways now. I just know that this applesauce is good for the microbome, not to mention delicious.  

Equally delicious are these wee wild apples we found in June near the railway line in Dannevirke. 
Later I added some Mexican hawthorn fruit we found in Frimley park. 
The Mexican haws are very high in pectin so great for setting jams and jellies. They have hard little stones in them which don't go through the mouli quite so easily.

We're eating our appelmoes as we go but it can be popped in to a preserving jar for later too.
Nicola Galloway of Homegrown Kitchen writes so nicely about this process here- search Homemade Apple Sauce 15th May 2023

Katie X

Cherry Guava Ice Cream

It's a strange time of the year to be eating ice cream I know, but it seems that all the best ice cream fruits are in abundance in late autumn. Here in Hawke's Bay we have such a fabulous lineup: figs feijoas, cherry guavas, medlars, sweet persimmons, cape gooseberries, white sapote, kiwifruit, mandarins and so much more. One of the easiest fruit trees to grow in a home garden is the cherry guava (Psidium cattleyanum). An evergreen and elegant small tree that never fails to bear fruit, year after year.
I have written about making guava jelly and paste just here.
Every year I make at least one or two jars of ruby red guava jelly. Guava has the best flavour of all the jellies, I reckon.
My Nan used to make guava jelly, but you know I never saw her do anything else with the leftover pulp. A few years ago I decided to press the cooked berries through a sieve and of course you then ditch all those hard seeds. There is so much goodness in guavas- just what we need heading in to the winter months, 
This year as I was making paste with the pulp I remembered the guava ice cream recipe that my lovely dutch friend Margaret shared with me. She even gave me a little to try. The flavour is truly exquisite and the texture sublimely creamy, however, I can't quite justify the extreme sweetness of all the sugar and condensed milk that was in the recipe. So I made up my own version which I think will be happily flexible. I really don't think you can go wrong with it by adding a bit more of this and not so much of that. Next time I might try honey instead of condensed milk for instance.

This recipe is great for using up the half a jarful of jelly or paste that you often end up with when you're making preserves. Since there is only two of us I was happy to make a small batch so here's the general idea:

After I have strained the cooked fruit and used the liquid to make the jelly, I push the rest through a sieve. I then return the pulp to the saucepan and add perhaps a cupful of sugar. This mixture is then simmered to reduce (stirring often) for 10 minutes or so. If you want to make paste/cheese there's a whole lot more cooking to do so before you get to that stage take out 1 cupful of pulp, set it aside and leave it to cool completely.

Beat 125 mls of cream, add a 1/4-1/3 cup of condensed milk and then fold in the cooled pulp and a tablespoonful of jelly. Lastly add a splash of rosewater. Taste to see if it's how you want it. That's it. Freeze. This batch stayed soft and very creamy once frozen.

Katie X
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