An Angel in the Kitchen is a real food and family recipe blog.
A place to be able to find our recipes again & remember how we made stuff!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Simplest Fruit Cake Ever!

You'd think that all I ever did was bake cakes..not true!
Maybe it's just the only time I actually follow a recipe.
This cake recipe has been floating around for a while &
is on such a skinny bit of paper
(who knows where it came from)
I am amazed that it hasn't been mislaid before now. 
This has to be the easiest cake recipe in the whole world 
& is really, really yummy!

1 kg fruit cake mix
2 1/2 cups of orange juice
soak fruit overnight in the orange juice & next day add:
2 1/2  to 3 cups of self raising flour
Mix it all together & bake for 1 1/2 hours at 160 degrees

This is one of those cakes that improves as the days go by.
It has a loaf sort of texture & could well be made
as such in 2 loaf tins.
Could also be made with any mix of dried fruit.
The addition of some dried apricots would be yummy.
Slices brilliantly, keeps really well (if you're lucky!)
and is a great "actual" food not just a treat.
I'm sure that between us we will come up with some 
useful variations over time.

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