An Angel in the Kitchen is a real food and family recipe blog.
A place to be able to find our recipes again & remember how we made stuff!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Really Gingery Ginger Snaps

Very simple to make, these ginger snaps are absolutely delicious!

What you'll need:
1 large cup of organic coconut oil
1 large cup cashew pieces
1 heaped tablespoon ground ginger
1/2-3/4 cup of minced drained ginger
Gently heat the coconut oil in a bowl over boiling water until softened & just starting to melt.
Add lightly toasted cashews (toast them spread out in the oven on a tray or in a pan on the stove but watch them carefully & stir often, as they are easily burnt)
Stir in the minced & powdered gingers.
Place in the fridge for around half an hour until just starting to set & hold together again.
Set a timer if you think you might forget as the mixture will go too hard quite quickly.
Spoon on to greaseproof or tinfoil.
Makes about 2 dozen.

Now very quickly put them in to a container & hide them in the fridge.
 These cashews are possibly a little over done but they tasted fine.

I like that there's lots of healthy coconut oil in these little beauties & no added sugars, just what's already in the ginger.
I buy a 4 litre tub of organic coconut oil about once a year. It's great for so many things including making your own toothpaste & polishing the car! It also happens to be a really healthy oil & veges like kumara & asparagus taste amazing roasted with a tablespoon or two of coconut oil.
 Entirely worth the investment.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Violet Jelly

In early spring when sweet violets abound & you can possibly bear to pick so many at once, it is a wonderful time to make a fragrant jelly.
Pick yourself a good cup or two of fresh violets (no leaves).
Give them a little rinse & shake off the water.
Pour 2 cups of boiling water over the flowers & leave them to steep for an hour or so, even overnight if you like.
Squeeze the juice of a lemon in to the bowl & marvel as the colour changes.
In a small saucepan stir a dsp of powdered gelatine & 1/2 cup of the violet liquid together.
Sit for 5-10 mins
Then heat gently, stirring until the gelatine has dissolved.
Remove from the heat & stir in a tbsp or two of honey (or raw sugar if you prefer)
Strain the remaining violet liquid in to the pot & stir gently.
Add a a little rose water if you like.
Pour in to pretty dishes & leave in the fridge to set. 

 I couldn't help but try out these other two violet varieties: the most fragrant of all little double mauves & prettiest pink.
 The double mauve
  turned a similar colour after the boiling water was added pretty when I added the lemon juice.
 Gorgeous when strained!
And softer when the gelatine has been added.
The pinks..
turned a soft orange shade.
If you prefer to use gelatine leaves just use the standard quantities to set your jelly.
Alter the sweetening to your own taste & most of all have fun with your beautiful violets. 

Friday, June 13, 2014

Baked Custard

I have always loved the velvety smooth texture of baked custard.
So easy to make & thoroughly delicious.
I use raw milk & free range eggs but whatever you have, will do.

1/2 cup of cream (or all just milk if you prefer)
Make up to a litre with whole milk
3 large eggs 
1-2 dsp raw sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence

Gently heat the milk & cream until the mix almost comes to the boil.
Watch carefully so it doesn't boil over!
Pour on to the beaten eggs, sugar & vanilla, whisking as you go.
Strain through a sieve & pour in to one large dish (greased with butter) or many small ones.
Or even better still bake in jars- then pop on the lid to store in the fridge.
Finally, grate some nutmeg over the top & set in a dish of hot water.
Bake for around 30- 40 mins at 125 degrees C
Or until custards are set & a knife comes out cleanly if poked in the centre.
Lovely hot, warm or cold.
Great for picnics, small children or grown ups who love whole nourishing food & custard.
