An Angel in the Kitchen is a real food and family recipe blog.
A place to be able to find our recipes again & remember how we made stuff!

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Easiest Ever Mango Ice cream!

This is the easiest ice-cream you could ever make & so super delicious, I can't believe I didn't know about it before now!! Having enjoyed a little pot of mango ice cream at an Indian evening recently, I instantly "got" all the flavours in that first astonishing mouthful.
So here's my take on that amazing-ness.
We enjoy good quantities of healthy fats in our diet so we won't be fussing about the cream component & never buy commercial ice cream, the added sugar I feel is a reasonable amount in the overall scheme of things.
Whip 500 mls of cream until making soft peaks
Add 1/3- 1/2 can of condensed milk (I might try honey next time round but the condensed milk gives such a yummy flavour to the ice-cream)
 Beat in the condensed milk & half a can of mango pulp such as the one in the photo- available at Indian shops & priced at around $5-$7. Can contains 95% mango pulp & around 5% sugar, which isn't too bad really. No other additives. 
Pour in to a large container or lots of small ones for serving.
Please do lick the bowl!
 Cover & freeze for around 12 hours.
 Stand for a few minutes before serving.
 The texture remains soft & creamy & requires no churning or mixing- isn't that brilliant!


Saturday, January 14, 2017

Super Simple Salmon Cakes

We love these tinned salmon cakes & they are the easiest thing in the world to make.

Tip a large can of drained salmon into a bowl
Add an egg &
two tbsps of flour,
good salt & lots of ground black pepper
Snip in a handful of herbs- like NZ celery, coriander, apple mint etc

We use either blue pea flour, organic chickpea flour or an organic corn flour.
The organic flours produce such a different quality in the fish cakes.

Stir it all together- mixes up very easily.
And that's it!!
Stand for half an hour or pop in to the fridge to use later.

Shape in to cakes & roll in sesame seeds.

Fry in a shallow frypan (we love our old enamel Ranzware) in butter, olive oil or coconut oil.

See- so simple & very delicious.

Makes about 6 cakes.
