An Angel in the Kitchen is a real food and family recipe blog.
A place to be able to find our recipes again & remember how we made stuff!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Sardine or Anchovy Pate

Whoever would have thought that a couple of tins of sardines could make the the most delicious, nourishing pate- ever so versatile & utterly delicious!
I found the concept over at the Western. A. Price foundation here.
Since then (as I do) I have made it a couple of times & tweeked the original recipe.
Look at all those herbs- in they go:
Chickweed, apple mint, coriander, chervil, parsley, spring onions, native celery, tender violet leaves, calendula flowers & anything else that takes your fancy.
Add 2 tins of sardines
& some anchovies- if you have them 
1/2 cup of softened butter (never, ever margarine!!)
salt & freshly ground black pepper
zest & juice of a lemon
dsp whole grain mustard
 Blend all together until smooth-ish in a food processor or with a hand mixer.
 Lovely in artichoke hearts..
 or for lunch- on a violet leaf tortilla, with sauerkraut
and equally good as a dip
 fabulously nourishing & so delicious (not the slightest bit sardiney! Truly.
Katie x