Late summer in Hawke's Bay means that it's time for both blackberry picking
Both are deeply rewarding but also rather challenging to harvest with all those thorns & prickles, providing a great opportunity to slow down & enjoy the experience.
So it's lovely to realise that there are so many delicious things to do with them both. Last summer I came across a brilliant little recipe for "ice pops" over at Learning Herbs. I have adapted the recipe to make use of blackberries, rather than raspberries. It is so worth reading the whole article about reducing inflammation & managing the heat of summer.
To make the basic mix: simmer 1/2 c haws & 1/2 c (or a little less) hibiscus sabdriffa in 2 cups of water in a medium sized pot for around 10 minutes, add 1 cup of blackberries & simmer for another 10 mins. Strain. While still warm add 1/2 c honey & a pinch of salt & stir to dissolve the honey.
When cool stir in 1/2 tin of coconut milk or cream. We prefer Kara coconut cream.
Stir altogether & pour in to ice block moulds. Freeze.
Any extra can be set in to a jelly with gelatine.
Or the same mix can be used to make a larger dessert like below.
Simply take a 1/3 c of the liquid before you've added the coconut cream/milk & add 1 1/2 dessertspoons of gelatine. Stir. Leave to swell for a few minutes. Microwave for 12 seconds & stir to dissolve. Pour the gelatine mix in to the main liquid & stir well. Now mix in the coconut cream.
Pour in to a pretty bowl, small bowls or little jars with lids. Pop in to the fridge.
Both pictures by Margaret Tarrant