An Angel in the Kitchen is a real food and family recipe blog.
A place to be able to find our recipes again & remember how we made stuff!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Apricot & Honey Balls

These are so quick & easy to make, full of flavour & really healthy too!
Soak 2 cups of dried apricots in 1/2 c of orange juice for at least a couple of hours or overnight until the fruit has plumped up & the liquid has been absorbed. I have used 1/2 c of organic dried mango in this batch.
Tip in to a food processor & add 1/2 to 1 cup of ground almonds
1/2 cup of nice honey & a dsp of rosewater
pulse until it all comes together in to a ball
make in to balls with wet hands, 
rolling in coconut as you go
in warmer weather keep in the fridge
they are not too rich or sweet & have a lovely tang to them
 Feel free to adjust the recipe to suit your own taste.

1 comment:

  1. i must try them. i love apricots!

    while i am here i must also thank you for your lovely words on my blog :o) am so glad you called by.
    i am most definitely going to be visiting here and your lovely garden often.


    wishing you a lovely week

    warmest hugs



Ooh you are so kind to leave a comment ♥