An Angel in the Kitchen is a real food and family recipe blog.
A place to be able to find our recipes again & remember how we made stuff!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Quark Stollen for Christmas ♛

This is a wonderfully easy way to make stollen without yeast, yet it is still utterly delicious & keeps very well.

Soften 125g chopped butter
Add 350 g quark- a smooth, low fat soft white cheese. Ricotta would be a good substitute.
1 cup brown sugar
2 tsp vanilla essence
Freshly grated nutmeg
Beat together till smooth
Add 2 eggs
Zest of an orange or lemon
then, 500g mixed fruit...or any combination of dried fruit, peel, almonds etc that takes your fancy
3 cups flour & 3 tsps baking powder. Or- 1 cup ground almonds, 1 cup coconut flour & 1 cup of spelt flour (or whatever you like to use) & the baking powder.
Mix it all in to a softish dough & using wet hands shape in to oblongs on a greased baking tray (or line with baking paper)

 Bake for 55- 60 mins at 180 degrees C & when partly cooled brush with a little melted butter & drench with icing sugar.

It's soo easy to make some smaller ones to give away out of this recipe too which is nice : )
If you'd like to have a go at making stollen using yeast then pop in here to David Lebovitz living the sweet life in Paris.
for a wonderful Christmas ♥


  1. Hello Dearest Catherine! How do you ever find the time to do all this amazing cooking? I got an urge to do some cooking for the holidays and cooked up a batch of mango chutney. Wow, lots of chopping! It was my first time and I think it turned out rather yummy...I'm nervous that my canning may not be "airtight."
    This dish you have pictured looks like something I can definitely enjoy! Possibly I will bravely attempt to try your recipe before the new year :)


  2. oh help! this is torture... i want a slice of this now!

  3. I haven't seen Quark here in the French Limousin - is there another soft cheese I could use?



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