An Angel in the Kitchen is a real food and family recipe blog.
A place to be able to find our recipes again & remember how we made stuff!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sultana Bran Loaf

When Rob & I both emerged from a recent Church fair clutching a sultana bran loaf I decided that it was time to sort out the recipe!
Best I could find was Jo Seagar's version:
2 cups bran
2 cups trim milk } leave to stand for 10 mins before adding the flour
2 cups sultanas
2 cups sugar
2 cups self raising flour
Pre heat oven to 150 C
Bake in a greased loaf tin for 1 1/2 hours
Very nice, very easy but a bit sweet for me.
I also like to make baking as wholesome as possible so here is our version:
2 cups biogro (organic bran)
2 cups sultanas..& a bit more ; )
2 cups milk (or 1 cup Earl Grey tea & 1 cup milk)
1/2-1 cup organic raw sugar
1 tsp of cinnamon or ginger, if you like.
1 large tbsp of either golden syrup, molasses or date molasses.
2 cups of organic whole grain flour (I like 7 grain zentrofen) + 4 tsps of baking powder.
Pour Earl Grey tea or the milk over the bran & sultanas & leave to soak overnight or for around an hour.
Then: mix all together gently & briefly.
Greased loaf tin. 150 C 60-90 minutes or until cooked.


1 comment:

  1. I suppose that was wheat bran? Do you know if it could be made with oat bran?


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