An Angel in the Kitchen is a real food and family recipe blog.
A place to be able to find our recipes again & remember how we made stuff!

Monday, August 17, 2020

Handy Little Bacon & Egg Pies

These simple little pies are just delicious- why ever didn't I know about them before! The recipe I followed suggested to oil your tins very I did! Don't want them getting stuck in there.
Muffin tins are ideal too.

I tried cooking the bacon rashers draped around the inside
of the tins, but they just slumped down. So I cooked 
the next lot in the oven for 10 minutes in another dish.
After that it's quite easy to arrange the bacon
around the inside. Before doing that, I cut several pieces
of flat bread (the super thin stuff) and lay them on the base,
then in goes the bacon. Over the flat bread add a couple
of pieces of camembert (or other cheese) if you like,
and then crack two eggs on the top.
And that's it!
Bake for 15- 20 minutes in a moderate oven.
Or until they're just how you want them to be.
This was my first attempt that I made for my dinner- the yolks were still soft as I was eating it hot.

They were just as delicious cold on our picnic at the Church Knoll out at Pouerere Beach.
We'll certainly be coming back to make these little gems again.
Brilliant for Rob to take to work on an afternoon shift.
Katie X

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