An Angel in the Kitchen is a real food and family recipe blog.
A place to be able to find our recipes again & remember how we made stuff!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Wild Green Omelette

 Well I'm not sure whether to call these pancakes, omelettes, tortillas or what, really?

Whatever you call them, they are the very best way to eat loads of greens without even noticing!

So simple & easy to make & actually pretty satisfying as a meal.

You'll need a good bowlful of greens. If you forage then wild greens or stuff gathered from the garden will be perfect. If you just have spinach & spring onions, they'll do just as well.

So you'll need a good lot of the green stuff: spinach, puha, dandelion leaves, nettles, perpetual spinach, nasturtium leaves, tender violet leaves, chickweed, tender fiddle or yellow dock leaves, NZ spinach, watercress, mallow etc

Wild perennial nettle- urtica dioica. 
Wild mallow- perhaps malva neglecta. Just check for rust under the leaves.

Then you'll need something oniony such as spring onions, chives or wild onion weed.

Sort & wash the greens you're going to use & put them in to a pot with a tiny bit of water. 

Cook gently until tender. Poor off any water & cool.

Add to the pot: salt, ground black pepper & a sprinkling of cumin seeds.

Then 2 eggs & a large rounded tbsp of cornflour, or tapioca flour.

Heat the pan that you'll cook the pancakes in, adding a little olive oil.

Add the onion weed (or whatever) to the pan & cook for a few minutes- add to the pot of cooled greens.

Use a stick blender to mix it all together until smooth.

Pour a generous amount of the green mix in to the hot pan & cook for 3 or 4 minutes each side.

Top with whatever you like or roll.

I made a mix of avocado, tomato, artichoke hearts, more onion weed & a spoonful of ajva, salt, pepper & a drizzle of olive oil.

The mix will make two or three large thick pancakes or lots of small ones that you can use like blinis or pikelets.

And then I found some of my other versions of these delicious green pancakes, so here they are below.

Catherine X

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