An Angel in the Kitchen is a real food and family recipe blog.
A place to be able to find our recipes again & remember how we made stuff!

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Kawakawa Berries With Apricot~ Desserts

It's quite fun having our own unique native foods that are also medicines here in New Zealand.

Most people are family with Kawakawa, Piper excelsum that can be found in most parts of the country in our native bush & other spots. A member of the pepper family, the leaves are useful as a rongoa medicine plant but are also edible themselves. The female fruits that ripen around Christmas time are also excellent dried & ground as pepper . The ripe fruits are also fascinatingly delicious with a mango flavour but also spicy seeds. Since there are not many recipes out there for using the ripe berries I have been experimenting with them to see what works & what doesn't. My first post you can find just here. 

Now that there is only two of us & Rob works a lot of afternoon shifts we don't always get through the fruit that I buy, harvest so when I spotted a bowl of ripe apricots sitting there uneaten I decided to make a dessert with them & tried pairing them with kawakawa.
I love the result!
I'm not very good with exact recipes because I am mostly winging it as I go.
I cooked my 8 apricots over low heat & the lid on, without any added water.
When cool I added the same number of ripe berries- just slide them off the little stem.
Add 1/2 cup of honey & blended with a sticker blender until smooth.

I then added a cup of thick plain Greek yoghurt.
Then I beat 1/2 cup of cream to soft peaks adding a little vanilla & folding through half the apricot mixture.
Put in to a bowl & chill.

The other option for the other half was to add 1 dsp of  gelatine in a little water. Sit to bloom, then heat to dissolve. Mix in to the apricot puree & pour over your favourite cheesecake base.
Mine is always walnuts, coconut dates & coconut oil with a pinch of salt.
 1/3 cup each of broken cashews, walnut pieces (toast these first if you like) and coconut, 
add 4 or 5 soft dates (remove the stones first) 
Add a tbsp of melted coconut oil and briefly combine in a food processor until mixed to a fine crumb.
I used a little loaf tin for one of the "cheesecakes". Line with baking paper or glad wrap.
In the little green jug is s a simple yoghurt dressing with more Kawakawa fruits, olive oil, sea salt, orange juice & a little honey. Add some seedy mustard too if you like & even a pinch of turmeric. A yummy summer salad dressing- great with seafood.
Catherine X

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