An Angel in the Kitchen is a real food and family recipe blog.
A place to be able to find our recipes again & remember how we made stuff!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Nan's Fruit Delight

I have been thinking about this dessert a lot lately whilst re-evaluating our nourishing traditions.
 I used to make it with my Nan & copied the recipe out by hand in to my own cookbook when I was 15.
It is so simple & very versatile & for a dessert, actually really good for you!!
The original version is lemon flavoured:

~soak 2 dessertspoons of gelatine in 1/3 cup of cold water
~separate 3 large free range eggs
~beat the whites until stiff & fairly smooth
~beat the yolks with 1/2 - 3/4 cup of sugar until thick & creamy (I like to use raw sugar or rapadura type or honey)
~add 1/2 cup of boiling water to the soaked gelatine & stir to dissolve
~add juice of 3 lemons & the rind of one to the fluffy yolks
~mix in the gelatine & fold in the beaten whites.
~sets quickly in or out of the fridge.
So that is the basic recipe but it can be made with any kind of fruit you like.

If using other cooked fruits the juice of one lemon will do & there's no need to add the extra water to the soaked gelatine. I just add the lemon juice to the gelatine & heat gently to dissolve. It's a pretty flexible recipe.

Matt was visiting so we made a tamarillo version today.
Peel & cook the fruit.
 Soak the 2 dessertspoons of gelatine in 1/3 cup of water.
 Beat the 3 egg whites.
 Beat the 3 yolks with 1/2-1/3 cup of sugar or honey & yes remove all bits of shell first!
 Stir the gelatine in to the hot cooked fruit & cool.
 When cool but still warm stir in to the yoke mixture.
 Fold in the whites.

 And your done!
The pudding separates out in to layers as it sets.
 I love the colour of the tamarillo.
 Passionfruit is especially delicious too.
This could also be set in individual dishes.
You could add yoghurt or kefir or kefir cream to the mixture using a tad more gelatine as the volume of other ingredients increases.
I know we've been warned off eating raw eggs of recent times but my research suggests that the risk when using free range eggs is very small & not to worry about, in fact, raw eggs are extremely good for you.
8th February 2020
I've just made Nan's Mountain Pawpaw version & it is so good.
The only way to eat these fruit, in my opinion!

The fruit needs to be peeled & cooked & the seedy inside discarded- they really are very acidic although we loved them as kids. They are a real fiddle to peel but once cooked, with a little sugar, they are sublime.

15 the September 2023
Banana passionfruit and cape gooseberry version.
I sweetened this mix with sugar when I cooked it. And added some honey to the egg yolks when I made the dessert part.



  1. Thanks for sharing this recipe. I love old fashioned recipes and will try this one when I get home from my travels.
    Anne xx

  2. This looks great; I've been looking, although not very hard, for recipes that have gelatin.


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