An Angel in the Kitchen is a real food and family recipe blog.
A place to be able to find our recipes again & remember how we made stuff!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Coconut Chocolate Balls

I just discovered these yummy little balls the other day & they are quite brilliant.
Very coconutty & extremely delicious.
I am finding that coconut oil is a fabulous food with a huge number of uses & health benefits.
It is the basis of this recipe along with coconut itself.
As often happens..after making them according to this recipe I made a few adjustments of my own & here is what I arrived at...just so I don't forget.

Melt 1/2 cup of organic coconut oil
 with 1 tbsp of butter & 1/2 cup of honey over a gentle heat.
Cook stirring with a wooden spoon until the mixture becomes glossy & thick.
Stir in 2 tbsp really good quality cocoa like Valhrona & continue to stir & cook for another couple of minutes. Just be careful not to burn it, so don't wander off about now.
Cool a little, then add:
2 tsps (true) vanilla essence & 1/8th tsp of good salt.
Mix in 2 to 2 1/2 cups of fine desiccated coconut & stir to combine all the ingredients.
The mixture will set as it cools & then you can make it in to balls.
Roll in coconut if you like.
Doesn't need to go in the fridge..unless you need to hide them.
I also placed some mounds on slices of banana & froze for an hour or so.
Such a yummy flavour combination & a quick dessert that kids will love & "other" people will wonder what on earth they are!
You might prefer the other version over at free coconut
either way I'm sure they taste much the same.

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