An Angel in the Kitchen is a real food and family recipe blog.
A place to be able to find our recipes again & remember how we made stuff!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Amazing Spicy Apple

I love apples.
I love them...all of them, any way at all.
 But this has to be one of my favourite apple recipes ever.
Apple & cinnamon speaks pie, crumble, family, warm memories & winter.
 This version elevates apple to just plain special.
The original concept came from my dear friend Sue, an innovative & grand cook.
She makes the most delicious strudel using filo pastry. I have borrowed the flavours & now I cook the apple with ginger & lemon just on it's own.
I guess it's a bit audacious to call this a "recipe" but truly, it is divine & different & so worth making.

Whatever apples you chose to use will give a slightly different result according to variety but that really doesn't matter. The flavours will still be the same.
Below I have given a proposed a few quantities but really just make it up according to your own taste & what you have available.

Peel & dice 1/2 a dozen apples,
add the zest or finely grated rind of a lemon (lisbon type are best)
2 tbsps drained ginger,
1 tsp ground ginger,
1/4 raw sugar or honey
1/2 cup of your favourite raisins or sultanas
Pop all the ingredients in to a pot together, put on the lid & turn on to low & let the apple begin to cook & release it's own juices.
Keep an eye on it & stir from time to time.
Cook until it's all fragrant & delicious.
This gorgeous mixture is now magical served warm, cold or used in crumble or strudel.
Golden raisins give a lovely glow to the cooked mixture.
Jumbo raisins are a lovely mix of colours & flavours & work well too.
I love it best with thick, creamy Greek yoghurt.

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