An Angel in the Kitchen is a real food and family recipe blog.
A place to be able to find our recipes again & remember how we made stuff!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Apple Dessert Cake

This is one of those recipes that's been passed on & on through the years.
 Useful, easy & made in no time at all.
And it certainly doesn't need to stay trapped in the dessert department.
It's always popular & can be easily adjusted to suit whatever you have on hand.
Here is the original version that I wrote out by hand when I was about 15:

2 cups diced apple } mix in 125 grams melted butter &
1 cup brown sugar    1 egg
Add 1 cup (total) of sultanas, raisins or dates or a mixture of whatever you have on hand.
1 tsp of cinnamon & 1/2 tsp of ginger, mixed spice & some nutmeg (or just cinnamon if you prefer)
Mix in 1 1/2 cups of wholemeal flour (or plain flour is fine) & 1 tsp baking soda mixed in a little milk.
Combine altogether.
Cook 45- 50mins in a moderate oven.
Cool in the tin before turning out.
Serve with whipped cream or Greek yoghurt if you have made it for dessert.
Dusted with icing sugar looks nice.

The cake I made today is a little different but equally delicious.
I like to keep sugar to a minimum in our diet & make everything I cook as nutrient dense as possible so here's the version from today:

125 gms butter, gently melted
1/2 cup honey & 1/4 cup organic panela (evaporated sugar cane juice)
mix in one egg & least 1 dsp of cinnamon, 1/2 tsp ginger & I really like to add some freshly grated nutmeg,
add 2 apples & 1/2 a dozen plums, diced
1 cup of dried fruit: sticky raisins, sultanas, raisins, dates or any combo that you love.
Mix in 1/2 cup of ground almonds,
1 cup of wholemeal flour (I used a 7 grain flour)
& 1 tsp baking soda mixed in to a little milk.
Stir to combine & cook for around 50 mins in a moderate oven.

If you have never tried freshly ground nutmeg do look out for's so worth doing & the nutmegs will keep for years stored nicely.

The plums I used are called Luisa & have such a delicious flavour. They work really well with the apple. 
Of course you can make your cake any shape you like!

1 comment:

  1. oh, I love apple cake and will have to try this recipe...thanks!


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